For anthropologists and artists “doing fieldwork” in contemporary worlds, art can be much more than an object of investigation. Curation and creation through visual, audio, or performing arts are at the heart of their work, extending the established anthropological interest in writing as a medium of thought and knowledge sharing. This exhibition presents works by anthropologists and artists who break disciplinary boundaries, and whose practice foregrounds experimental, and open approaches to the theme “field/works”.

— the curators

São Domingos Square. Home. Memory

Largo de São Domingos. Casa. Uma Memória

Carolina C. Höfs and Flávia Diab


remelexo no corpo todo
com telefone no ouvido
do banco próximo à igreja frente à pastelaria

António and Seidi

dobra para próximo da árvore,
volta atravessar a praça
salto do sapato batendo arrastado,
bico fino
perna esticada
perna dobrada

Jorge and Paulo

ópera da boca do Paulo:
amigos para sempre
sempre vale a pena


andar arrastado.
Linha recta até banco 1º
estalido da bengala
